Friday, 10 November 2017
CHANGE YOUR MIND AND BECOME SUCCESSFUL - Best Motivational Videos Compilation for 2017
Achieve What You Want,
Achieve Your Goals Faster,
Move On,
Strength Gains,
Track Your Progress,
You Got One Life
Inuvik Region, NT, Kanada
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
How Your Personality Can Help You Change Body
Whenever I read on the topic of personality and weight loss, the message is how our personality traits are limiting our potential. Here is one article in The Wall Street Journal, Is Your Personality Making You Put on Pounds?, and another in the Huffington Post, How Personality Can Influence Your Weight. Both suggest that certain personality traits are associated with the development of obesity. My worry about the contention that our personalities are making us fat is that it suggests that people who are overweight have some sort of personality deficiency. Personality is multidimensional, not driven by a single trait. Each of us has a unique combination of traits. This means that we probably have some traits that work for us and others that work against us. There isn't a "fat" personality or a "thin" personality per se. The key is to channel the personality traits that will work for you to accomplish your weight loss goals. Instead of focusing on the negative, let’s focus on the positive. Below I explain how to tap into nine personality traits to maximize your weight loss potential, and for fun, I suggest an inspirational song that resonates with each personality trait.
1. Stubborn — To all you asses out there (myself included!) Congratulations! Being stubborn is your ace in the hole if you are trying to lose weight. Channel stubbornness towards people and forces that are working against you. While in the grocery store, stubbornly resist the food companies that are trying to reprogram your brain to obsess about sugar and fat. Stubbornly resist the people who tell you to eat when you aren’t hungry, who say you shouldn’t go out to exercise because it’s raining, or who tell you why bother you are just going to gain it all back — even if the person saying that is YOU. Inspirational Song: "And I’m Telling You, I’m Not Going" by Jennifer Hudson
2. Competitive — You are in it to win it. Sometimes it’s not even a game and you’re still trying to win. If this describes you, then leverage your competitive spirit to work towards your weight loss goals. Identify your personal record (PR) for your exercise pace/time and always try to break it. Use races to help you increase your performance and conditioning. Joining a community sports team might also allow you to get in some healthy competition. Do a call-out on Facebook to see if you have any friends who might have a team or be willing to join one. Active video games like Nintendo Wii and Kinect might also be a great fit for you because you can constantly try to improve your scores (and of course, massacre your friends!). Inspirational Song: "I Can’t Stand Losing" by "The Police or All I Do Is Win" by DJ Khaled
3. Anal Retentive/Obsessive Compulsive — Cleanliness and orderliness is your business. You are annoyed by people who are disorganized, not punctual, and overlook details. Your attention to detail exceeds most people which will make you especially capable of accurately estimating your energy balance (i.e., calories consumed versus calories burned). If this is you, you will benefit more than the average person from diet and physical activity self-monitoring. Channel your energies into really understanding your own personal energy needs and the factors that cause you to go over or under. Also, I suggest making a formal workout schedule, putting into your calendar, and tracking progress. Your personality style should allow you to be better than most at keeping to it. Inspirational Song: "The Devil Is In the Details" by Chemical Brothers
4. Spiteful/Angry — Tit for tat and an eye for an eye. Somebody wrongs you and they usually regret it. Should you simmer down? Hell no, channel that piss and vinegar toward all the forces working against you. Boycott food companies that produce junk. Send them a letter to tell them what you think. Set a goal that someone said you could never achieve and then make sure they know about it. Someone called you lazy? Sign up for a race and then post the finish line pic on your Facebook profile. The exercise will also help to relax you when you are really keyed up. Inspirational song: "Not Ready to Make Nice" by Dixie Chicks
5. Selfish — Always looking out for number one? Good for you. A study by Larsen and colleagues (2004) showed that “egoism” or the tendency to be self-enriching and/or self-centered was associated with a greater capacity to maintain weight loss. The reason may be because you are better at investing time into yourself. Apply this to a healthy lifestyle by guarding your exercise time, insisting on healthy restaurants when you go out in a group, and monopolizing the grocery shopping and meal planning to insure that they all involve healthy choices. Inspirational song: "My Way or the Highway" by Limp Bizkit
6. Nonconformist — Do you generally think most people are idiots? Perfect. You will be right more times than not if you apply that attitude to the latest fad diet program. Your tendency to be critical will help you stay the course of healthy lifestyle and less vulnerable to the preaching of the latest “expert” who is trying to sell a product but has no actual training or experience in weight management. Not allowing yourself to get sucked into fads is actually really important because succumbing to fad diets is basically a “time-out” from true progress. Inspirational song: "Raise Your Glass" by Pink
7. Funny Guy/Girl — Are you the one always keeping everyone in stitches? This attitude will become essential at times when you’ll need to roll with the punches. It will help you laugh at mistakes, small regains, mean-spirited comments, and bad days. Not letting the hard times get you down really is the key to persistence and having a great sense of humor will be a tremendous benefit in those times. Inspirational song: "Let the Good Times Roll" by the Cars
8. Social Butterfly — Chatty patty? Lahmann and colleagues (2011) showed that people who described themselves as social and friendly lost the most weight in a weight loss program. If you enjoy socializing then you might consider blogging about your weight loss journey. Starting a blog is easy these days and a blog will help you build a community to support your weight loss effort. I also recommend joining Twitter and following others who are working towards a healthy lifestyle. You can follow the list I made on Twitter of such folks, called The Healthy List. Building a community of support is instrumental to success and this will come natural to you so take advantage! Inspirational Song: "Talk Too Much" by Run DMC
9. Addictive Personality — The tendency to develop addictions can certainly cause problems for people, however, such individuals are also likely to have a greater capacity to experience the reinforcing effects of exercise given that exercise taps pleasure centers in the brain. Once you get going, you may develop a greater than average affinity for exercise and it also may protect you from developing and dealing with unhealthy addictions. One recent study showed that exercise might prevent the development of some addictions (Fontes-Riberio et al 2011) and others have shown that exercise can reduce addictive cravings and behaviors (Buchowski et al 2011). If you have struggled with addictions, turn your vulnerability into a strength and make the come back of your life.
Achieve Success,
Be Selfish,
Change Your Environment,
change your life,
Growth Your Personality,
Personality Traits,
Strong Personality,
Team Work
West Ln, York YO26, Wielka Brytania
Monday, 6 November 2017
The misunderstood psychology of weight loss — how to lose 30 pounds PART 7
Mental Toughness
What causes 99% of people to stay overweight? It’s a lack of mental toughness. When it comes to losing weight, gaining muscle and generally staying healthy, it’s all about habit and routine. You need to get very, very good at doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. That’s the secret to success at anything.
Here are some tips that have helped me stay on track over the years.
If you don’t feel like working out:
· Build a gym at your house or put a gym in your office (my gym is 5 feet behind me as I type this from my office. When I need a break from working, I spin my chair around and hit the weights).
· Don’t think about the actual workout — just get in your car and start driving to the gym. When you get there, read your “why” statement on your phone and put on some music to get you in the mood.
· Change your workout. You should change it every 6–8 weeks anyway. Mix it up if you get bored. Swap exercises, switch between free weights and barbells, machines and body weight exercises, etc.
· Ask your partner for a reward that will be waiting for you as soon as you get back from the gym. You know what I mean.
If you don’t feel like eating well:
· Eat what you crave, but log the calories in MyFitnessPal and make sure you keep under your calorie count for the day. If it’s chocolate, eat a few squares, not an entire bar. Get just enough to satisfy you then stop.
· Go out and eat at a restaurant. Mexican food in particular (beans, rice, chicken and vegetables) has a great macro-nutrient profile (high protein, moderate carbs) if you avoid the cheese and fried items.
· Eat something high in protein first, like a protein shake or tuna. Protein fills you up and will curb your appetite. You might still eat the bad stuff but you’ll eat less of it.
· If all else fails, just give in. Have an “off meal” and on your “off day”, just have 2 bad meals instead of 3. As long as you’re making progress every day, don’t beat yourself up for falling off the wagon every now and then. It happens to everyone.
· Finally, realize that if you eat poorly now, the “good food” like chicken, tuna, rice, sweet potato, spinach, kale, quinoa, chia, etc will taste horrible because your body is used to (and craves) the taste of salt, fat and all the other processed crap. Over a few weeks your taste buds will adapt and you will start to crave the good food. Sounds crazy but it’s completely true.
Transforming your body will transform every other area of your life too. Your mood will improve, you’ll have more energy and as a result you’ll demand more from life. You’ll stop settling and will have a new self-confidence which will make you a better partner, friend, parent, boss, etc.
Don’t set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. They never work. Instead, do the work and be a role model for everyone around you. Find your “why”, create a workout program and make it part of your routine. Eat well 80% of the time and don’t be too hard on yourself when you mess up.
After a few weeks you’ll see progress. After a few months you’ll wonder how you lived without the gym and without your new-found energy. You’ll need new clothes and you’ll start to receive compliments from people you haven’t seen in a while. Those positive feelings will push you to work even harder, leading to more positive feelings and more progress.
Sunday, 5 November 2017
The misunderstood psychology of weight loss — how to lose 30 pounds PART 6
First, if you’re focused on losing fat, aim for a deficit of around 500 calories per day or 3,500 per week. There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat, meaning you’ll lose (at least) 1 pound of weight per week — probably more initially as you lose water weight and flush out other waste.
You need to know your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) as a starting point, which is how many calories you need to consume each day based on your current activity levels. You can calculate that here. Once you know your BMR, subtract 500 calories. That’s your daily calorie target.
The psychological impact of tracking goes a long way to keep you on track. If you screw up at one meal, you can make it up at the next meal by eating fewer calories, etc.
Protein is extremely important because it’s the building block for creating new muscle. Generally, you want to take in 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, per day. If you weigh 200 pounds, you consume 200 grams of protein per day — typically 2-3 protein shakes and 3 meals per day.
To keep sane and stop your metabolism from slowing down, you should also have one day per week where you eat whatever you want. This is called an “off day”. If you’ve been craving chocolate, fries, etc, you eat them on your off day. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn’t eat 20,000 calories during your off day. Eat what you want, but don’t over do it.
If you feel like eating crap during the week and the craving is really, really bad, keep an “Off Day List” which contains all of the foods you’re craving. The simple act of writing down the food you crave and knowing you’re only 1/2/4 days from being able to eat it will help.
When you have a craving for a food you only eat on your off days, go back and read your “why” statement. Read it 20 times. Then go on Youtube and watch a few “before and after” weight loss (or muscle gain) transformation stories. That should be enough to curb your cravings 95% of the time.
You’ll also want to regularly check your pH levels using pee sticks. You can buy them from any drug store. New research is showing a strong relationship between the acidity in your body and the amount of fat you hold on to, regardless of how much exercise you do and what you eat.
If your pH level is low (5.5 or less on a scale of 0–10), your body is highly acidic and will hold on to fat to protect organs from damage. The lower your pH level, the higher your chance of cell damage and mutation which can lead to cancer if enough acid forms in your system over time.
If your pH level is neutral or slightly higher (6.5 to 8), your body is more alkaline, contains less acid and therefore your body won’t hold onto fat, as there’s no damage to protect your organs from.
What’s the easiest way to get your pH level up so you’re more alkaline than acidic? Drink at least one (ideally two) fresh green juices every day. Buy a Nutribullet and throw in a handful of spinach, a handful of kale, half a cucumber, an Apple, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a cup of water. Blend it up and drink it. Simple.
The misunderstood psychology of weight loss — how to lose 30 pounds PART 5
Don't like the word ROUTINE...?
Me either;) so I chose different way of looking at it...
Chose your own, exciting daily routine you will want to commit to
Treat your workouts like business meetings or appointments. Schedule them in your calendar as recurring
events every week. You’d never miss a meeting with your boss or a date night
with your partner. Treat your workouts with the same level of urgency and
Try to space your workouts
over the week and keep at least 1 day between them. Try to combine one push and
one pull muscle group in each workout session, such as:
Chest and back
Shoulders and arms
If you’ve never lifted weights
before, please please please please please find someone who has, so they can
build a good program for you and show you proper technique. Don’t just turn up
at the gym and jump on the machines — you’ll
make zero progress and give up.
Find a friend and ask them to
come to the gym with you for a few weeks. Better yet (and if you can afford it)
hire a personal trainer. They’ll not only show you what to do and how, but
they’ll hold you accountable too.
As a final option, find a
program and watch the instructional videos on your phone at the gym before
you start an exercise. Always focus on form first and weight second. If you
lift heavy because everyone else is, you’ll injure yourself and you’ll be out
of the game.
To build your foundation, you
want to focus on keeping your metabolism high when you’re NOT in the gym, which
means moderate weight for 10–15 reps over 4 sets per exercise. Bonus points if
you add super sets or pyramiding. I added super sets to my routine 2 years ago
and I’d estimate it increased my progress by at least 30%.
Before you workout, have some
sort of pre-workout snack. Coffee is a popular pre-workout, but I like a banana
and a few scoops of Optimum Nutrition’s pre-workout powder. You need energy
stores to lift weights and sugar (such as fructose from fruit) converts into
useable energy fast. Don’t eat a huge meal before going to the gym.
When you’ve finished your
workout, make sure you eat protein and fast-digesting carbs within an hour. I
like to have a protein shake and some fruit, like 2 bananas or a tin of
pineapple slices.
After a workout your body goes
into a catabolic state where it starts to break down muscle for fuel, so having
a high-carb meal prevents that and keeps you in an anabolic state (muscle
building) as your body starts to repair the (good) damage you made to your muscles
(micro tears) during your workout.
Once you’ve built your
foundation (lost excess fat) and want to put on some muscle, you can lower your
reps (from 10 to 6–8) and increase your weight.
When you want to continually
gain muscle over time, I’ve found it helps to do 1 of the 3 things during every
workout for at least one exercise:
Lift heavier weight (without sacrificing form)
Reduce rest time between reps
Reduce rest time between sets
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