Wednesday 1 November 2017

The misunderstood psychology of weight loss — how to lose 30 pounds PART 1

An extremely effective fat loss and muscle-building blueprint anyone can use.
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania in order to change your body you must first change your mind
There’s a huge connection between physical wellness and mental clarity. When you’re in shape you have more energy. You can get more done. You think better, sleep better and just make better decisions, period.
As we close out 2015, losing weight will be the most popular resolution people around the world make on New Year’s Eve. But as the statistics show, most people will fail. And they’ll fail for two primary reasons:
1.      The system is designed around failure
2.    They’ll focus on the wrong things
The weight loss industry is worth an absolute boat load of money and it’s in their best interest to keep you overweight. Otherwise you’ll stop buying their gimmicks, pills and powders. They peddle overnight solutions to weight loss, when deep down we all know they don’t work. But we keep buying them because the promise of being in shape is a powerful motivator.
If you’re overweight now and are serious about losing weight in 2016, I wrote this post for you. More specifically, I’m writing this post for people who want to lose weight but then gain an actual physique that’s worthy of a compliment. Being “skinny fat” isn’t fun.

I normalny write bout productivity, success, startups and marketing, so why the hell am I writing about weight loss? Well, over the years I’ve learned that how you perceive yourself determines how far you go in anythingbusiness, relationships, etc.
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania in order to change your body you must first change your mind

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