Thursday, 2 November 2017

The misunderstood psychology of weight loss — how to lose 30 pounds PART 2

Success starts with your own self perception. And if you don’t like yourself, that will negatively affect everything you do, making even a moderate level of success much more illusive.

So why would you listen to an entrepreneur about losing weight? Well, weight loss isn’t about the mechanics as much as it is the mindset. And being an entrepreneur means you need to be pretty good at dealing with tough situations, building yourself up and believing when no one else does.
Plus, I was overweight until 2008. I was working long hours building my third company and I lived on Red Bull, pizza and McDonalds. But one day I snapped (figuratively, not literally) and decided to do something about my physical condition, by focusing on my mindset first and body second.
Over the following 18 months (September 2008March 2010) I completely transformed myself physically. I lost 31 pounds and then put on 37 pounds of muscle using lots of trial-and-error, Youtube videos and advice from sites like
The transformation improved my effectiveness as an entrepreneur by at least 10x. I was sharper on my feet, made better decisions, could do more in less time and started to bounce off the walls with unlimited energy.
Not only did I experience a transformation, so did my business. Sure it was still a lot of work to grow the business, but it didn’t feel as hard as it did when I was carrying the weight. I had better clarity of thought and my stress levels were kept down by the hormone regulation that resulted from regular exercise.
Truth be told, it wasn’t all that difficult to lose weight once I figured out what it was really about, which is 80% mental, 20% physical. I break it down into 5 key areas of focus. They are:
1.      Why?
2.    Foundation
3.    Routine
4.    Food
5.     Mental Toughness
Stay with me to learn each key area of focus in more detail.

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