Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Diet Mistakes Wrecking Your Fat Loss Results Part 1

Common Diet Mistakes Wrecking Your Fat Loss Results

Have you spent the last few months diligently watching what you eat, yet you’re not seeing amazing results?
If this describes your weight loss attempt, you’re not alone and I’m here to help by providing 6 common dieting mistakes
Here’s a review of 6 Common Diet Mistakes Wrecking Your Fat Loss Results (and how to fix them!).

Dieting Mistake #1: You’re Not
Effectively Reducing Calories

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Reducing Calories

 Without a doubt, the number one way to begin losing weight is to reduce calories.
The reason for this is the idea of energy balance. This theory postulates that in order for you to lose weight, you’ll need to expend more calories than you consume, creating a negative energy balance (1).
 If you end up eating more calories than you expend via daily metabolism and exercise, it’s extremely likely that you’ll actually gain weight.
In order to begin having a negative energy balance, you’ll need to first find your maintenance calorie intake, or the amount of calories you can consume to neither lose nor gain weight.
In order to do this, you’ll need to track your food intake for a couple days. If after the couple days of tracking, you haven’t gained or lost weight, you can average the total amount of calories and assume that’s your maintenance.
Afterwards, you can have a strong idea of how much or how little food you’ll need to consume in order to effectively lose weight.
The big problem is a yo-yo calorie intake. So, you may get it right Monday-Friday, or even for a few weeks but, a few days off or a few blowout weekends can mess up your progress.
There are 2 key points you need to action: the first one is you need to accurately monitor and assess calories, the next is you need to stay in a calorie deficit consistently for weeks and months, not a few days…

Dieting Mistake #2: You’re Not Eating Enough Protein

Despite all the benefits of protein being well known these days, many people still fail to reach the optimal amount on a daily basis.
Protein is unique in that it not only helps you maintain and build muscle but it also provides an appetite suppression effect and boosts fat loss even when calories are matched (2).
Interestingly, the way that proteins are structured actually makes them quite difficult to digest. In order for them to actually increase muscle, they need to be broken down into individual amino acids, which can take some time to accomplish.
Additionally, research has indicated that because of this difficulty in breaking them down, consuming large amounts of protein actually directly increases the amount of calories you are expending (3).
Since breaking down protein requires energy, having larger amounts of protein will increase the amount of energy needed.
If you find yourself in the situation of not consuming enough protein, I suggest attempting to add it into each meal and even consider using a supplement such as whey protein in between meals. Aim for 30-40g of protein per meal from sources such as meat, fish, eggs etc.
If you track your daily intake, aim for around 1g of protein per 1 pound bodyweight. For example, 120LB individual would consume 120g or more per day, split into 3-5 meals.
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania protein

Dieting Mistake #3: You’re Not Eating Enough Vegetables

Do you get your 5 a day in? Truth is you probably don’t on a consistent basis and, if you are trying to shred body fat, you definitely need to eat more.
Vegetables are one of the best foods that you can eat as they are basically ‘free food’. They also offer some unique properties that many other foods do not:
  1. They have a very large volume to calorie ratio
  2. They have a lot of fiber
  3. They are very high in water, further filling you up
  4. Extremely high in antioxidants and micronutrients
Remember, for weight loss fiber is really important because it slows down the digestion of food and can significantly decrease feelings of hunger (4, 5).
Aim for 2-3 portions of vegetables per meal when dieting, as this will reduce hunger and keep you satiated between meals.

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